
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /favicon.ico
# Route name Path Log
1 _twig_error_test /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 profile /profile Path does not match
14 edit_profile /profile/edit Path does not match
15 edit_account_password /account/password/edit Path does not match
16 forgot_password /forgot-password Path does not match
17 reset_password /reset-password/{token} Path does not match
18 api.login /api/login Path does not match
19 api.register /api/register Path does not match
20 api.confirmUsermail /api/confirm/{token} Path does not match
21 api.resendConfirmation /api/confirmation/resend Path does not match
22 api.forgotten_password /api/forgotten-password Path does not match
23 api.reset_token_check /api/reset_password/{token}/check Path does not match
24 api.reset_password_post /api/password/{token}/update Path does not match
25 api.sms.send /api/sms Path does not match
26 api.confirmUser /api/sms/{token} Path does not match
27 api.user_shops /api/v2/shops Path does not match
28 api.user_shop_devices /api/v2/shops/{shop}/devices Path does not match
29 api.login_test /api/v2/isloggedin Path does not match
30 api.logout /api/logout Path does not match
31 api.clients_all /api/allclients Path does not match
32 api.licences_all /licences Path does not match
33 api.licence.activate /api/licence/activate Path does not match
34 send_demo_mails /api/cron/mail Path does not match
35 /api/cloud/upload/client/{user}/shop/{shop} Path does not match
36 /api/cloud/uploadsenderapp Path does not match
37 api.shops /api/shops Path does not match
38 /api/shops/{shop}/licences Path does not match
39 /api/shops/{shop}/assign Path does not match
40 /api/shops Path does not match
41 all_clients /clients Path does not match
42 my_clients /mes-clients Path does not match
43 client.change_status /clients/{id}change_status Path does not match
44 /clients/show/{id} Path does not match
45 clients.updateView /clients/update/{id} Path does not match
46 clients.licence.config /clients/{client}/shop/{shop}/licence/{licence}/config Path does not match
47 /clients/{client}/shop/{shop}/licence/{licence}/config Path does not match
48 clients.addLicenceView /clients/{client}/licences/add Path does not match
49 clients.changeLicenceStatus /clients/licences/{id}/status Path does not match
50 clients.addLicencePost /clients/{client}/licences/add Path does not match
51 clients.updateLicenceView /clients/{client}/licences/{licence}/edit Path does not match
52 clients.updateClientView /clients/{id}/edit Path does not match
53 clients.addPost /clients/add Path does not match
54 clients.updatePost /clients/update/{id} Path does not match
55 clients.delete /clients/delete/{id} Path does not match
56 clients.shops /clients/{client}/shops Path does not match
57 devices /admin/devices Path does not match
58 attribute_device_popup /admin/devices/attribute-popup Path does not match
59 attribute_device_post /admin/devices/attribute-device Path does not match
60 shops_by_user /admin/devices/select-shops-by-user Path does not match
61 new_device /device/add Path does not match
62 new_email /admin/emails/new Path does not match
63 edit_email /admin/emails/{id}/edit Path does not match
64 clients.licences /mes-clients/licences Path does not match
65 licences.addView /licences/add Path does not match
66 licences.updateView /licences/update/{id} Path does not match
67 licences.addPost /licences/add Path does not match
68 licences.updatePost /licences/update/{id} Path does not match
69 modules.addView /modules/add Path does not match
70 /modules/show/{id} Path does not match
71 modules.updateView /modules/update/{id} Path does not match
72 modules.addPost /modules/add Path does not match
73 modules.updatePost /modules/update/{id} Path does not match
74 modules.delete /modules/delete/{id} Path does not match
75 prospects /admin/prospects Path does not match
76 users /admin/users Path does not match
77 treat_prospect /admin/prospects/{id}/treat Path does not match
78 reject_prospect /admin/prospects/{id}/rejected Path does not match
79 app_register /register Path does not match
80 app_confirmation_resend /confirmation/resend Path does not match
81 resellers.addView /resellers/add Path does not match
82 /resellers/show/{id} Path does not match
83 resellers.showMe /resellers/me Path does not match
84 resellers.updateView /resellers/update/{id} Path does not match
85 resellers.updatePost /resellers/update/{id} Path does not match
86 resellers.addPost /resellers/add Path does not match
87 get_users /get-users Path does not match
88 add_client_reseller /reseller-client Path does not match
89 app_login /login Path does not match
90 app_logout /logout Path does not match
91 /settings/glob/search Path does not match
92 settings_update /settings/{id} Path does not match
93 new_shop /client/{id}/shops/add Path does not match
94 new_shop_client /client/shops/add Path does not match
95 clients.update_shop /client/{client}/shops/{shop}/update Path does not match
96 shop_send_mail_agents /shops/{shop}/mail/send Path does not match
97 new_shop_device /shops/{id}/device/add Path does not match
98 shop.addLicencePost /clients/{client}/licences/add Path does not match
99 edit_shop_licence /licences/{id}/edit Path does not match
100 shopDevices /devices-by-shop Path does not match
101 reNewLicence /renew-licence/{id}/{duree} Path does not match
102 copy_licence /copy_licence/{licence_id}/{device_id} Path does not match
103 employees /employees Path does not match
104 employees.addView /employees/add Path does not match
105 /employees/show/{id} Path does not match
106 employees.showMe /employees/me Path does not match
107 employees.updateView /employees/update/{id} Path does not match
108 employees.updatePost /employees/update/{id} Path does not match
109 employees.addPost /employees/add Path does not match
110 footer /footer Path does not match
111 header /header Path does not match
112 index /admin Path does not match
113 cloud /admin/cloud Path does not match
114 home /admin/index Path does not match
115 logout /admin/logout Path does not match
116 licences /admin/licences Path does not match
117 clients /admin/clients Path does not match
118 resellers /admin/resellers Path does not match
119 staffs /admin/staffs Path does not match
120 modules /admin/modules Path does not match
121 emails /admin/emails Path does not match
122 events /admin/events Path does not match
123 traceurs /admin/traceurs Path does not match
124 settings /admin/settings Path does not match
125 import /admin/migration/import Path does not match
126 import_post /admin/migration/import/post Path does not match
127 api_cloud_upload /api/cloud/upload/shop/{client}/client/{shop} Path does not match
128 api_shops /api/shops Path does not match
129 api_shop_licence /api/shops/{shop}/licences Path does not match
130 api_shop_assign /api/shops/{id}/assign Path does not match
131 api_clients /api/clients Path does not match
132 api_licences /api/licences Path does not match
133 api_licences_activation /api/licence/activate Path does not match
134 api_login /api/login Path does not match
135 api_logout /api/logout Path does not match
136 api_sms_send_confirm /api/sms Path does not match
137 api_cron_mail /api/cron/mail Path does not match
138 shops /admin/shops Path does not match
139 file_manager /admin/manager/ Path does not match
140 file_manager_rename /admin/manager/rename/{fileName} Path does not match
141 file_manager_upload /admin/manager/upload/ Path does not match
142 file_manager_file /admin/manager/file/{fileName} Path does not match
143 file_manager_delete /admin/manager/delete/ Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.